English   日本語訳
“The mind of a Servant”
          Philippians 2:5-11

Introduction: We might not realize it, but the small choices we make in life potentially have much influence on others. Many years ago, Christian professor Stuart Blackie of the University of Edinburgh was listening to his students as they presented oral readings. When one young man rose to begin his recitation, he held his book in the wrong hand. The professor thundered, "Take your book in your right hand, and be seated!" At this harsh rebuke, the student held up his right arm. He didn't have a right hand! The other students shifted uneasily in their chairs. For a moment the professor hesitated. Then he made his way to the student, put his arm around him, and with tears streaming from his eyes, said, "I never knew about it. Please, will you forgive me?"
His humble apology made a lasting impact on that young man. This story was told some time later in a large gathering of believers. At the close of the meeting a man came forward, turned to the crowd, and raised his right arm. It ended at the wrist. He said, "I was that student. Professor Blackie led me to Christ. But he never could have done it if he had not made the wrong right."
Let’s read today’s passage. (Philippians 2:5-11) We have been studying the letter to the Philippian Church for a few weeks now. It is primarily a thank you letter to the Philippians for their support of and partnership in Paul’s ministry of spreading the Gospel message. Then, in 2:1-4 Paul appeals to the Philippians to humbly live life, thinking of others rather than yourself. He recommends that to the Philippians for the sake of unity and for the sake of spreading the Gospel message. As we heard in the previous story about Professor Blackie, treating others with humility really does affect our ability to effectively convince others of the truth of the Gospel.
In today’s passage, Paul teaches us some deep, doctrinal truths about Jesus Christ. It teaches us how Jesus is 100 percent God and 100 percent man at the same time. It teaches us how Jesus humbly came to this earth and how He died on the cross. It also teaches about how Jesus is exalted and that everyone will bow down and confess Jesus as Lord. Because Jesus is God and because He is our Savior, He certainly deserves our adoration and worship, right?
However, there is a practical message in today’s passage. As given earlier, Paul is teaching the Philippians how to live humbly. In 2:1-4, Paul gives specific instruction on how to live humbly so that God’s people might be of one heart and so that non-Christians might believe the Gospel message. Therefore, in today’s passage Paul gives the Philippians and us the ultimate example of living humbly. Jesus is our example! We should live humbly like Jesus lived! That’s the message.
The phrase that describes best how Jesus lived is found in verse 7. “… and took upon Him the form of a servant.” Who here likes to be a servant to others? I know that most people do not like to feel like a slave. I have been told many times that that is why in Japan if you give a gift to someone, most of the time they will give you something back. They do not want to feel like your slave; in other words, they don’t want to feel like they owe you something. So they will give you an equal present back. However, God’s gift of Jesus is a present that we needed. We needed Jesus to bear the punishment for our sin because we cannot bear it. We needed Jesus to rise again through the power of God and give us the hope of a future personal resurrection and eternal life; because no matter how hard we try we cannot live eternally. Furthermore, we cannot repay God’s gift of Jesus. However, we can follow Christ and live like Him so that others can be saved. Therefore, when we humbly serve others, it does not mean that we do it because we have to or because we are repaying people. It also does not mean we are trying to repay Christ for Him dying on the cross for us. We do it because we want to thankfully follow Christ for what He did for us.
So in today’s passage, Paul gives us the ultimate example of living humbly. That is, we should live like Jesus did. He was a servant of man. We, too, should be servants. What does being a servant mean? Today, I want us to understand from this passage a few things about becoming a servant like Jesus. First, let’s pray.



I I. First, being a servant like Jesus means giving up my rights and position for others. (verses 6 & 7)
A. Interpretation: Jesus has always been and always will be God. The meaning of verse 6 is that Jesus Christ had the very same nature as God, that He is in fact God. This is a foundational truth of God’s Word! (Matthew 16:16; John 20:28) Although Jesus became a human being, He still had the attributes of God. The special word for this is hypostatic union. It means that Jesus is one person but has two natures. Jesus is the God-man! Paul’s point is that Jesus experienced the same temptations and struggles that all people experience. He understands our pains and our struggles. However, because He is also 100 percent God, He was able to overcome those temptations and live a completely sinless life. Moreover, Jesus living in us enables to overcome temptations, the desire to live for self, and struggles.

Also, Paul is saying that Jesus was not just a prophet, nor just a good teacher, nor just a healer; Jesus was God who became a man. (John 1:1, 2, 14) Jesus is the Word in John 1; Jesus is God!

Furthermore, in verse 6, it says that Jesus “thought it not robbery to be equal with God.” In other words, even though Jesus was God, He was not thinking about Himself; He was thinking of others, namely people. And then in verse 7, it says that Jesus “made himself of no reputation.” The literal meaning is that Jesus emptied Himself or poured Himself out. We do not know everything that He poured out, but you can imagine it. He was God up in Heaven. He is Creator of everything. He is all-powerful. However, He poured out all of that glory. In other words, Jesus humbled Himself and became a person and a servant. Why? Let’s see. (2 Corinthians 8:9) Jesus humbled Himself for us. He willingly left Heaven and was born in a manger. He became a servant for our salvation! While Jesus did utilize His Divine power at times, He willingly confined Himself to a human body. He came from the wonderful place called Heaven to this world because He loves us!

B. Application: This is what it means to follow Christ completely. It means to lose our life to save it. It means to empty one’s self in order to be filled with Jesus and His love for others. In our world, the value system is so very different. In our world, he who has the most money has the most power, prestige, and worth. In Jesus’ value system it is exactly the opposite. He who is the highest is he who does not live for himself but for others. Jesus told His disciples, “But He that is greatest among you shall be your servant.” (Matthew 23:11) If we are going to have the same mind as Jesus Christ, if we are going to become a servant, then we have to give up our own rights and privileges and empty ourselves for the sake of others. It is not natural. We want to be filled with this and that. We need to empty ourselves so that others will be saved.
Ⅰ. はじめに、イエス様のようなしもべとなることは、自分の権利や、他人に対する立場、地位を捨てる ことを意味します。(6節、7節)
 さらには、6節で、イエス様は、「神のあり方を捨てられないとは考えずに」と言っておられます。言い換かえると、イエス様は神様であられたのにご自身のことは考えられず、他人のこと、つまり人々のことを考えておられました。そして、7節では、イエス様が「ご自分を無にして」と言っておられます。文字通りの意味は、イエス様は、ご自身を空にされた、あるいは、ご自身を注ぎ出された、ということです。私たちは、イエス様がご自身を注ぎ出されたことの全ては分かりませんが、それを想像することはできます。イエス様は、天におられる神様でした。全ての創造主です。全能の神様です。しかしながら、イエス様は、その栄光の全てを注ぎ出されました。言いかえると、イエス様はご自身が謙遜になられ、人間、そしてしもべとなられたのです。なぜでしょうか?コリントの人への手紙第二 8章9節を見てみましょう。イエス様は、私たちのために低くなられました。イエス様は、すすんで天国を離れ、飼葉桶に生まれて下さいました。私たちの救いの為にしもべとなって下さいました!イエス様は神聖なる力を用いられることができるのに、喜んで人間の体を取られました。イエス様は、天国と呼ばれる素晴らしい所から、私たちを愛しておられるのでこの世に来て下さったのです!
II. Second, being a servant like Jesus means being obedient whatever the cost. (verse 8)
A. Interpretation: He humbled Himself. It is impossible for us to understand the importance of what God is telling us here. He who made all men, who knew the hearts of all men, who had all authority over men, humbled Himself and allowed Himself to be executed by men. It was not just any execution; it was the cross.

The early church did not view the cross the same way we do. They did not wear them around their necks or in their ears as earrings. Can you imagine if someone today had a solid gold electric chair and put diamonds in it? People would think they were crazy. They viewed it as we might view the gallows. It was not simply a form of execution; it was the lowest form of execution, reserved for the lowest class of people for those who had no standing or rights.

B. Illustration: One pastor said it like this, “In the world Paul shared with the Philippians, crucifixion was the lowest anyone could stoop, socially. Crucifixion was the cruelest form of official execution in the Roman Empire. Because of the cruelty of the executioners, the specifics of the crucifixion process are not often described. Generally, however, the victim was first tortured in various ways and then fastened to a cross by impaling, nailing, binding with ropes, or some combination of all three. Death often came slowly over a period of days as the victim experienced increased blood loss, thirst, hunger, the attacks of wild animals and suffocation. In this we begin to understand the depths of humility to which Jesus sunk, in order to be obedient to the will of the Father. But Jesus was obedient, obedient to even death on the cross.

C. Application: Jesus showed us what true love really is. He came to this earth, knowing that He would have to die to save man, knowing that He would die at man’s hands. Man’s spiritual condition was that we are eternally separated from Holy God due to sin. Jesus obeying God the Father and willingly dying for us is price of buying our souls back.

We can never humble ourselves as much as Jesus humbled Himself. We can never give up as much as Jesus gave up for us. However, we can with a thankful heart be willing to follow God and obey Him whatever He asks.

Some of us we have already decided the things God wants us to do. We will only serve in such and such a place, in this or that way, on this or that day. We are too busy doing the other things of life to do something else that God might ask us to do. However, could our partial obedience really be selective obedience? In other words, have we already decided that we are only willing to do certain things? We are all probably guilty of this. I am thankful that Jesus was willing to do whatever it takes for our salvation! That is being a servant. We should willingly do whatever God asks us to do.
Ⅱ. 2番目に、イエス様のようなしもべであるということは、何としてでも従う者であることを意味します。(8節)
 III. Third, being a servant will be rewarded. (verses 9-11)
A. Interpretation: Because Jesus was obedient, because He humbled Himself, because He was willing to pay the price, He will be exalted. The Father has given Him the name at which every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord. The principle here is this: God rewards our humble, obedient service. (Proverbs 22:4; James 4:10) Not all of God’s rewards are for this life. The best rewards are for the life to come. (Luke 14:11-14) Being a servant of God does not mean thinking about the rewards of this life. God does bless us, but we do not want to get distracted by this world’s temporary blessings. We need to live the Christian life while thinking about Heaven.

B. Illustration: Therefore, look forward to your rewards in Heaven. What are the blessings of Heaven? First, we will be with our Savior Jesus Christ for eternity. Second, we will reunite with all of the saints in Heaven. Third, we will be free from sin and the pain and struggles of this sin-cursed world. We will be given a new incorruptible body. Furthermore, there will be no more tears in Heaven. It is a place of perfection. It is perfect in every way. And it is a beautiful place, according to John’s description. Besides that, the Bible seems to indicate that we will have work and responsibilities, too. (Revelation 22:3)
Ⅲ. 3番目に、神様のしもべであることは、報われるのです。(9節--11節)
 そういう訳ですから、天国でのあなたの報いを楽しみにして下さい。天国の恵みとは何でしょうか?1つ目は、私たちは、救い主であられるイエス様と永遠に一緒にいられます。2つ目は、私たちは天国で全ての聖徒たちと再会します。3つ目は、私たちは罪から、そして罪で呪われた世界の痛みと、苦しみから解放されます。 私たちは、新しい、朽ちることのない体を与えられます。さらに、天国では、もはや涙することはありません。そして、天国は完全な場所です。あらゆる面において完全なのです。そして、ヨハネの記述によれば美しい所です。その上、聖書は、私たちは仕事と責任をもつ、とも示しているように思われます。(ヨハネの黙示録22章3節)
Conclusion: In conclusion, Paul tells us in 2:1-4 that for the sake of being unified in one heart, and for the sake of others being saved, we are to think of others more than we think of our own self, and we should be humble. Then, Paul gives us the ultimate example of being a servant, namely Jesus Christ. According to Jesus’ example, being a servant means giving up one’s rights and privileges for the sake of others. It also means that we obey God whatever the cost. It also means that we will be rewarded. The question is, “Is this my attitude?” “Do I act like a servant or am I really a servant like Jesus is?” God has taught us from His Word today what a real servant is. The only thing that remains now is our response. Will you have the attitude of a servant like Jesus? Let’s pray. [結論]